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Gravity Implants Ltd.
New opportunity in the field of dental implants!

Gravity Implants LTD is a dental implants company that develops improvements in the field of dental implants.
We  solve a basic problem in dental implants - bone loss around implants.

We Solve Both Problems:

  • Initial Bone Loss after the Healing Phase
  • Long Term Bone Loss

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About Gravity Implants

Clinical follow up states the impression of bone
loss along dental implants during the years.
This situation is supported lately by retrospective
long term studies. In one study, bone loss was
found among 64% of the patients treated
by implants (up to 10 years of follow up).
More than that - it seems that the older the
implant, the grater is the rate of bone absorption. 


About Gravity Implants

Clinical follow up states the impression of bone
loss along dental implants during the years.
This situation is supported lately by retrospective
long term studies. In one study, bone loss was
found among 64% of the patients treated
by implants (up to 10 years of follow up).
More than that - it seems that the older the
implant, the grater is the rate of bone absorption. 


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From the Media

Read our article about gravity and occlusal force in the jaws .
Posted on:
World Journal of Stomatology"


From the Media

Read our article about gravity and occlusal force in the jaws .
Posted on:
World Journal of Stomatology"